About Tuscaloosa
Landmarks: Northridge High School, Ol’ Colony Golf Complex, The Buddy Powell Pavilion, University of Alabama Golf Course, Tuscaloosa County Park, Northridge Middle School, ST. Bingus Middle School, Northridge Middle School, Northridge Baseball Field, Sykes Place Plantation Inc, Northridge High School Football Field, Northridge High School Parking Lot, Barbie Perry Photography, Melton Designs, Ol' Colony Disc Golf Course, Rayburn & Associates, Tuscaloosa United Soccer Club, Crimson VORTAC LDK 117.8
Major Roads: US 82 RICE MINE RD LEFT, US 82 RICE MINE RD RIGHT, RICE MINE RD N WATERMELON, US 82 RICE MINE RD, US 82 RICE MINE RD , Rice Mine Rd Ridgeview Dr. , US HWY 82 Watermelon Rd