Looking for the right elements to a fresh, new look can be a tireless journey, which is why your beauty supply store needs to put itself out there for customers to find. Outdoor advertising is not just for large, household name businesses. Using out-of-home advertising — such as billboards, buses, benches, and kiosks — is an effective way to increase the customer base of both local and chain beauty supply stores.
Digital advertising is useful, too, but out-of-home ads are among the most beneficial formats of marketing, as they more directly influence consumers. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, approximately 70% of those who have seen an outdoor ad are influenced by it, and 58% search the web as a direct result of seeing the advertisement. These formats can even combine, using mobile data and geotagging to advertise digitally when they come across the physical ad.
Allow BillboardsIn to help your beauty supply store garner more customers by creating stunning and unique outdoor ads today!
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