After a long, hard day, getting into bed and getting comfortable is the best feeling. Outdoor ads are not exclusive to large corporations, and OOH ads can be a fantastic option for both new and established bedding stores. These out-of-home advertisements are powerful tools for drawing customers, new and old, to buy your bedding.
If you are already using online advertising, it can be made even more effective through the use of local outdoor advertising. These formats can even work together directly to influence customers, through mobile data and location services. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 70% of people who have seen an OOH ad are influenced by it, and 58% have searched the web as a direct result of seeing the advertisement. A well-placed ad in a high traffic area will do wonders for your customer base.
A large-scale outdoor advertisement could be just what your bedding business needs to come into success. Allow BillboardsIn to help you gain more customers by creating a phenomenal out-of-home ad today!
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