Concrete companies are not something consumers are used to seeking out, which is why advertising your concrete business is so important. Concrete companies can benefit from out-of-home advertising formats, such as billboards, buses, benches, and kiosks. Not only are these OOH ads impactful, but they are also very cost effective.
Outdoor advertising has the lowest cost-per-impression ratio of any other form of advertising, but it also reaches a wide and diverse local audience. Digital marketing may seem like the best choice in our increasingly technological world, but according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, about 70% of those who have seen an outdoor advertisement are influenced by it, and 58% will search the web as a direct result of seeing the ad. Not only this, but these physical OOH ads can even work directly with online ads through location services and mobile data.
Let BillboardsIn help you break through to new customers and direct traffic to your concrete companies by creating a phenomenal out-of-home advertisement today!
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