Can you Recycle Billboards?

August 3, 2021Published By

Not only can billboards be recycled, but they can also contribute to the health of the environment!

With the mass amount of billboards located across North America, it’s fortunate that they’re capable of being an eco-friendly way of advertising Traditional billboards can be recycled into moving palettes, backpacks, tote bags, and even surfboard bags In 2019, Lamar Advertising Company announced that it would be repurposing 2 million pounds of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and 3 million pounds of PE (polyethylene) materials that billboards are made of 

Can you Buy Billboards?

July 29, 2021Published By

When driving by a billboard in your local community, you may find yourself asking, “Can I buy a billboard near me?” The answer is yes!

The next billboard you drive past can easily be yours Billboard advertising is not exclusive to big corporations like PepsiCo and Apple No matter what message you want to convey, there’s a billboard out there that is perfect for you 

It used to be that buying a billboard posed quite a challenge as it required researching the right vendors for your area and comparing…