Client Spotlight: mylifeordebt
After making the “right choices”—like pursuing higher education and finding a good job—Ini OluAlakija noticed an issue. While he was making $160,000 a year, he was $300,000 in debt, which left very little room for enjoying life outside of work.
OluAlakija knew what this meant for him, and created mylifeordebt after realizing he’d need to do more than his current job to live the kind of life he was looking for.
OluAlakija considers himself an entrepreneur, and has always had side businesses to boost his personal wealth outside of his primary income. However, when it comes to funding these ventures, it is important to not pick up more debt along the way. Mylifeordebt is a platform dedicated to educating people about business credit and providing coaching to those who need support in their own journey.
“When I first started the platform, my goal was simply to educate as many people as possible about business credit,” OluAlakija said. “I just wanted to share the information I was learning along my journey because there aren’t many resources out there for building business credit correctly.”
Utilizing BillboardsIn has been mylifeordebt’s first big step in their outdoor advertising journey, as they have primarily used social media advertising in the past. After establishing a new headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, OluAlakija wanted to make sure that members of his community are aware of his platform.
It’s also important to OluAlakija that people know that he is equipped to help, and that he can provide them with information, “even if you’ve been denied in the past. I’ve been there before and I can help you.”
If you feel like you are struggling with building your business credit with EIN, contact mylifeordebt for support and information to help your business grow and be successful. Mylifeordebt can be found at their website or on Instagram.