OOH Advertising on a Budget
When people think of out of home (OOH) advertising, they often think of massive billboards located by the sides of highways, or huge, lit-up signs in the center of a big city. While these certainly are great examples of this advertising style, there is a huge assortment of other options to choose from—which are particularly excellent if you want to advertise on a budget. We’re going to show you several ideas to keep in mind when choosing your perfect ad (that will satisfy your wallet, too)!
Pick an Alternative Ad Format
The first thing you may want to consider when advertising is which ad formats best suit your budget. While large billboard ads are great, they’re not the only effective OOH ad format available. Posters and junior posters are excellent options to consider, because they are essentially just smaller versions of billboards—and depending on location and availability, they can sometimes run under $1000.
Other potentially inexpensive formats include programmatic ads, which can be tailored to your unique budget! TV screens located in restaurants, at gas stations, or on ATM screens are all examples of these ads—all of which can be bought for as low as $500.
If you’re curious which ads best suit your specific budget, check out our price toggle on our billboard map! Just enter your desired location and dates, click next, and then click the price tab at the top of the map screen—here you can drag the bar to as high or low of a price as you choose.
Consider Location
Choosing a great spot for your ad is an important consideration, especially when it comes to price. Neighborhoods, back roads, and smaller cities are all generally cheaper locations to place an OOH advertisement. This can be a perfect option for small businesses looking to advertise near where their potential customers live and shop.
Go Digital!
Another element to think about is whether you want to use a static (printed) ad or a digital ad. While both have their benefits, digital ads have two cost-saving elements that should be noted: no production fees or installation costs.
For static ads, typically a customer pays to have the vinyl for their ad printed, and pays a fee for the installers to actually put up their ad. But with digital ads, everything is instant—once your creative is done and sent to the vendor, your ad goes up!
To Sum Everything Up
Out of home advertising is an excellent investment for your business; no matter your budget, we’re here to work with you to execute the perfect ad for your business! Check out billboardsin.com today to check out some of our options or schedule a consultation.