What is Phone Kiosk Advertising?
Today, we’re going to be looking at phone kiosk advertising. Phone kiosk advertising includes all the displays you see attached to the exterior of payphone enclosures. There are options to use a classic poster style or digital backlit displays that brighten up the night. Sizing of displays also varies as you can choose to cover one side of the kiosk or wrap around the entirety of the kiosk.
There are numerous reasons why phone kiosks are an effective space to advertise on. For starters, phone kiosks are conveniently seen at eye-level making it easy for pedestrians and motorists to read your signage. Also, unlike TV or internet advertisements, viewers can’t simply change channels or skip ads to block out your message. Your message will be continuously displayed for people to absorb.
Another tremendous benefit to phone kiosk advertising is the ability to pick a strategic location for your ad. Phone kiosks are scattered around densely-populated areas with a lot of foot traffic. This gives plenty of opportunities to target demographically and geographically. With phone kiosk advertising, you can target by zip codes and neighborhoods to capture a specific audience. You can also target near populated venues or districts like college campuses, airports, and even point-of-sale locations to directly draw consumers to your product or service.
Lastly, with the large number of impressions that can be acquired, phone kiosk advertising has a low CPM. This makes it a cost-effective way to advertise and gives you great value for your money.
Even though phone kiosks aren’t used as heavily for making calls these days, it’s good to see that they serve a different purpose as a way for businesses to connect to consumers. It may cause concern that payphones continue to decrease in number, but OOH advertising is constantly evolving to adapt to these changes. If there isn’t phone kiosk advertising in years to come, don’t worry. There will always be new ways to reach consumers like on charging stations and even on the recent surge of Wi-Fi kiosks being placed in New York City.
Think Phone Kiosk Advertising could be the right call for your next OOH campaign? Check out BillboardsIn.com for more information!